Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I have not posted for a while.  I have been busy - knitting socks - 12 pairs so far. Also taking art courses and creating assignments.


Saturday, March 19, 2016


Here is my latest layout with a focus on lines...


I finally took some time to take some pictures.. these I have created over the last year.

 This is my second attempt on a long arm using Free motion. This is made of entirely Japanese cottons.

 This is my first attempt at a long arm using a pantograph.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Have five quilts totally finished...  I will take pictures when it is brighter out... I finished my February assignment in the Master Class - Movement - not my favoured method of construction -- but I completed it... think I will turn it into a grocery bag...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Baby quilt

Finished a baby quilt for a new Mom.

And my barn nearly finished. Took affordable the bottom  snow and now facings...

Working on my February designs with a focus on movement. ..a real challenge.
Also, did my first quilt on a long arm machine. Have to rip up the first foot as he tension was off, but like the rest. Also, finished off two other quilts, I did the blocks 12 years ago and never finished, so must get them done by the end of February... another six weeks of quiling, so willy the groundhog says.. my seeds came in the mail yesterday so the new growing season will commence.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Master Class

I started the master Class with Elizabeth Barton. An awesome group of talented artists. Here is my first sketch

January update

Started this quilt last winter finally completed the binding yesterday.

I made everyone pillowcases for Christmas.

January update

Started this quilt last winter finally completed the binding yesterday.

I made everyone pillowcases for Christmas.